"ZCP Drive to Zero Exhibition 2024" concluded successfully on October 27, 2024. We extend our warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of this event. New Energy Asia Pacific was honored to participate in the "ZCP Drive to Zero Exhibition 2024" and sincerely thank all the distinguished guests who visited our booth. We also express our gratitude to the Construction Industry Council for their invitation and support.
2024年10月27日, "2024零碳出行汽車展"活動圓滿落幕, 我們向此次成功的結束表示熱烈的祝賀。新能源亞太區很榮幸參與了築月2024-零碳出行汽車展,並對所有蒞臨我們展位的尊貴嘉賓表示衷心的感謝。同時,我們也要感謝建造業議會的邀請和支持。

1st Left 2 : Mr. Ivan FU Chin-shing - Chairman of Construction Industry Council Zero Carbon Park
1st Left 3 : Miss Pamela Lam - Deputy Secretary (Works) of Department Bureau of HKSAR
1st Right 2 : Ir Prof. Thomas HO On-sing - Chairman of Construction Industry Council 1st Right 3: Ir Dr the Hon LO Wai Kwok, GBS, MH, JP - Member of the Legislative Council of HKSAR
2nd Left 5 : Mr. Saraansh Dave - Director of CLP eMobility
2nd Right 5 : Mr. Leo Chong - Sales Manager of New Energy Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.
“Construction Month 2024”: Constructing A Greener Future
As an annual signature event of the Construction Industry Council, "Construction Month" was conceived in 2018 to promote the industry development and engage with the members of the public with meaningful way, and becoming an important platform to foster industry’s collaboration and innovation. It has been extremely well received by both industrial practitioners and the community.
The theme of Construction Month this year is "Constructing a Greener Future”, which focuses on the importance of safety, practicing green construction and sustainable development. Comprised of more than 30 captivating events, it is featured with various events ranging from ZCP Drive to Zero Exhibition, construction digitalisation forum and exhibition, flagship award ceremony, STEAM education activities and etc., so as to elevate the public perception of the construction industry, as well as to foster awareness of carbon neutrality and sustainable green construction.
ZCP Drive to Zero Exhibition
The new energy vehicles have advanced quickly, and their function is comparable or even better than traditional petrol-powered cars. Utilising new energy vehicles contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and mark as a signature milestone achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This year, CIC-Zero Carbon Park organise the “ZCP Drive to Zero Exhibition” in collaboration with various industry stakeholders as part of its continuous effort in promoting low carbon living. Themed with “Unlocking the Ultimate – Sustainable Mobility”, which features a number of electric cars with cutting-edge technology and design. In addition, different energy solutions and charging stations are unveiled to showcase the latest development of electric travel.
築月2024 - 構「建」綠色未來
新能源汽車發展一日千里,駕駛表現已可媲美甚至超越傳統燃油車的性能。應用新能源汽車不單可減少碳排放,更是實現2050年碳中和的一個重要里程。建造業零碳天地一直推廣低碳生活,今年再下一城與業界不同持份者合作舉辦「零碳出行汽車展」,以「超越極限 永續出行體驗」為主題,邀請多款嶄新設計及超卓技術的電動車雲集亮相,同時展示不同充電裝置及新能源解決方案,展現電動出行的最新發展。

DAYUN E3 Electric Truck
At this exhibition, We showcased our new brand "Dayun" E3 all-electric truck. The truck is powered by a pure electric drive, equipped with a large capacity CATL battery, and the electric motor provides powerful torque output, enhancing transportation efficiency. The range of the E3 can meet the needs of urban logistics and distribution. Additionally, the E3 is equipped with ABS, EBD, and other safety features to ensure comprehensive driving safety.
With its advantages of being environmentally friendly, economical, efficient, intelligent, and safe, the Da Yun E3 all-electric truck has become the ideal choice for urban logistics transportation. It helps businesses reduce costs, improve efficiency, and achieve sustainable development.
本次展會,我們展示了新品牌「大運」E3純電動貨車。該車採用純電動驅動,配備高容量寧德時代電池,電動馬達提供強大扭力輸出,提升運輸效率。 E3的續航力可以滿足城市物流配送的需求。此外,E3也配備了ABS、EBD等安全配置,全方位保障行車安全。
